Most of us will remember the days back in the early 2000s when Crocs first came around—the sheer disgust at these strange, unaesthetic, clog-type shoes. So fast-forward 20 years, and how did they become a style staple, donned by celebrities around the globe?

The beginning of Crocs
Crocs were first released in 2002 as a comfortable and versatile shoe, a new kind on the market. They weren’t much of a hit back then, with most people shunning them as untrendy, strange, and some even going as far as calling them outright ugly. They were never much of a hit, and in 2010 TIME magazine even listed the footwear in its ’50 worst inventions’.
A need for comfort
But then a global pandemic hit, and the rise of the Croc began. With most of the world confined to their homes, and people forced to live a more relaxed life, the days of heeled stilettos and pretty leather sandals were temporarily a thing of the past.
Sweatpants became trendy, and casual lounge wear co-ords were the new go to outfit for the lockdown life. Everyone was in search of comfort, from people furloughed looking for shoes to casually wear around the house, to nurses running around ICU’s on long shifts needing practicality. And so, in came the Croc.
What was once seen as social suicide was now an appealing necessity. The first quarter of 2021 saw a 65% increase in sales, and this didn’t slow down—2022 brought in a whopping $2.7 billion in revenue.
Influencers & social media
But covid wasn’t the only contribution to the rise of the spongy shoes. Influencers and collaborations played a huge part in making them mainstream and in trend. First it started with Michelle Obama and Oprah, and then soon everyone from Kendall to Ariana to Zara McDermott was wearing them.
Hailey Bieber was spotted in them regularly, and a collaboration with Justin sent Crocs to consumer's ‘must have’ list. Papped pictures and TikTok uploads influenced the world, and everyone soon wanted to be spotted dressed like their favourite influencer. Never underestimate the power of influencer marketing!
Crocs Marketing for Gen Z
In addition, we also have Gen Z to thank for the Croc craze. Younger people see them as not only comfy, but a bold fashion move and a way to express their individuality. The addition of ‘Jibbitz’, the little charms that you can poke into the holes of the Crocs, allow people to customise theirs to their personality, allowing people to express their uniqueness through their footwear choices.
On social media, Crocs has been very active and has used Gen Z trends on the platform to its advantage. Their unserious and fun approach has continued to be received well and has gained them a high engagement and following. Poking fun at themselves and their users, they have won over the Gen Z audience.
Collaborations & collectors items
Their choice for collaboration with other brands has been very broad. From brands like Froot Loops and Pringles to Spongebob, Shrek and Busch. With these collaborations, Crocs created a special edition of Crocs, creating a collector's item. Together with their Jibbitz, it's now even easier for their customers to completely customise their style Crocs.
So, from their humble beginnings as a misunderstood and often ridiculed footwear choice, Crocs have transformed remarkably into a global fashion staple. Covid, together with influential celebrity endorsements, creative marketing, using trends and the embrace of Gen Z’s love for individuality and customisation, have led to Crocs cementing their place in the fashion world. So, whether you love or hate them, there's no denying that Crocs have left a mark on the world of footwear.
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