Marketing and branding are both so important for your business – but do you know the difference between the two, and how to use them both to the highest advantage? Here at Seven Purple Mangos we have put together the ultimate blog to dive into them both, and why they are so important for you. So, Marketing vs Branding, grab a coffee, and read on….

What is branding?
Branding is WHO you are – who your brand is. It’s your business's identity, personality, morals, and vision all in one. Branding is about creating an identity that appeals to your audience and distinguishes you from competitors.
Branding is how your customers recognise you from the competition, how they know it's you and your products just from a glance. Branding is long-term, and it doesn’t often change – it’s consistent across all platforms, products and channels.
It establishes an emotional connection with the people who are purchasing your products and who are interested in them, and your branding helps build trust and loyalty with them. Branding is the base and foundation of everything your business is!
What is marketing?
Marketing shows customers and clients WHAT you offer – the services you provide, the products you sell, and what they can gain from you. It is you advertising your brand and its product to future customers. It drives engagement from them and targets your desired audience.
The results provided by marketing are short-term, gaining your business from the advertising provided through your marketing channels. While branding is consistent and rarely changes, except for the rare case of re-branding, marketing changes regularly with the market, trends, and products you are selling.
The focus on marketing isn't building trust and loyalty, but simply on selling. Marketing boosts the visibility and reach of your brand and generates income, attracting and converting leads for you - it promotes your brand.

Marketing vs Branding: The main difference?
The main difference of Marketing vs Branding, is that marketing is there to make your products known and to sell them. Branding is there to sell you brand as a whole - to make people tell YOU apart from the competition. Branding will make you instantly recognisable, from your colours to logos to your overall look and values. Marketing will only make your products known and recognisable.
Marketing vs Branding: What are the similarities?
Ultimately, both are there to boost your business and sell your products. Without marketing and without branding, your business won't succeed as well as it could! It's not a one-or-the-other thing - both are equally important to cover! Essentially, marketing will grab people's attention and get them into your business, but your branding will make them stay. Both will raise awareness of your brand and products, but without marketing, your products won't be out there for people to see, and without branding, your brand won't be recognisable - leading to less trust and less loyal customers for you!
Seven Purple Mangos - your go-to for BOTH!
Here at Seven Purple Mangos, we do both branding and marketing - an all-around package designed to help your business shine in the best possible way! We offer branding and marketing tailored to your business, creating the perfect customised designs for you! Drop us a message now to shine!
Remember - marketing says, "Buy now!" Branding whispers, "Remember me forever."
